Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Express article about Real World VS Social Networking
So in case you haven't seen it, there was an article in the Express called Real Time: MTV's 'Real World: D.C.' Meets Social Networking.
I was quoted at one point regarding my thoughts on the Anti-Real World:
"I understand the reason for [the Anti-Real World DC site] but at the same time, [their site] is more people griping,"
And I will not deny it, nor try to defend it by providing the context of the rest of the 10 minute interview. In fact, this post is more of a clarification of my own Real World: DC stance, which I touched on when speaking to the Express reporter.
In and of itself, I'm actually Real World Neutral...whatever that means (I know, this entry might get me removed as a contributing editor). I neither see it as a good or bad thing.
What I'm "Pro" is for the Real World being in DC, especially at this time. Having been born and raised here, and teaching at a school which is very much in touch with the political pulse of this city (I teach at an all-girl's school in NW DC whose yearly tuition is about as much as my two year's in grad school will cost me), like it or not, this season of the Real World will provide a glance at life in the Nation's Capital at a relatively historic time, with the new administration, with our first mixed president, etc.
And, whether we like it or not, this is only the beginning. With talk of Real Housewives of DC in pre-production, reality shows are not going to go away.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure if the RW house were set up 20 feet from my own residence, I'd be peeved as well. But the majority of the ire seems to be with inebriated groupies hanging out across the street at odd hours of the night...and if across the street from the RW house means that they're in front of mine, I'd definitely be annoyed with them loitering.
And the gripes with the groupies seem like an extension of an existing anti-loitering legislation debate that has surfaced repeatedly throughout the year. But I digress...
I think I'll leave it at that for now. Please comment with regards to sightings, but my entries will probably have less to do with run-ins with the RW cast, than with the effect of their presence here in DC, especially as I hear about it from others.
Also, if you have any thoughts on why you're Pro or Anti real world, or even somewhere in between, please share them.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My first sighting
I actually had my first sighting a lot sooner than I thought, which I believed would happen at a bar or club. There was a Where to Catch an MTV Real Worlder blog entry about a couple of weeks ago, and two of the venues are places that I sometimes spend up to 3 or 4 nights at some weeks, those being Cobalt and Town.
Anyway, I was walking around Dupont after filming a short film in
So I've definitely had a couple of friends speak gloom and doom if the Real World happens to visit one of their stomping grounds. But any publicity, right?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thanks to Washington Blade and... the Anti-RWDC blog still thinks I am a shill?
He quotes me (anonymously) and also some of the Anti-RWDC folks, who still think I might be affiliated with MTV. Trust me folks, I'm not. Just because people have a counter-opinion doesn't mean they are shills.
Seriously... if MTV were running this pathetic blog, I'm pretty sure they could do a much, much better job.
Anyway, thanks Joe.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Where's the Outrage? Adams Morgan to be shut down for movie filming...
From DCist:
Streets to Close as Film Crews Heads to Adams Morgan Thursday
We heard from several readers that the film crew for the James L. Brooks-helmed Owen Wilson/Reese Witherspoon/Paul Rudd flick were camped along 7th Street NW in Penn Quarter today, and word from DDOT is that they'll be in Adams Morgan tomorrow. Several road closures will be in effect in the post-rush hour morning due to the filming.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What if?
Here's the link to the Perez posting
And for those morally opposed to clicking a Perez Hilton link here's another story about it.
Anyway, this got me thinking about whether or not I would be anti- or pro- living across the street from a walled off block. I mean if they walled in the block where the Real World will be filming I would be forced to (1) walk a block further and go to a different dry cleaner; (2) no longer have La Tomate as an option when Sette is too packed (because it's better); (3) find a new place to count the coins in my piggy bank while TD Bank was closed; and (4) re-sample the neighborhood Chinese food joints until I found one as good as City Lights (which I wont). These are sacrifices I am just not willing to make for the reality TV show next door.
Could you handle it?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A Starter Top 10
As of now, 2000 S Street NW is just a house under construction; let’s save the complaining for when there are complaints to be had. That said, here’s a starter Top 10 from the blogger across the street:
Why Not To Freak Out About The Seven Strangers Next Door . . .
10. If it turns out we don’t like the cast, at least they’ll have to deal with DC’s famous dog days of summer.
9. DC has more security cameras than anywhere else in the world; some accidental Real World footage isn’t going to ruin your political career.
8. Maybe the Secret Safeway will be outed, but at least the planets orbiting the American Geophysical Union (whatever that is) will remain shrouded in mystery.
7. The cast members are the perfect subjects for a social science experiment: Will they find anything else in NOVA besides Costco, Target, and Ray’s the Steaks?
6. No chance of these cast members’ security clearances being approved; your chances are looking better already.
5. As if there isn’t a police car 24/7 on our corner anyway.
4. Seven new victims for Dupont initiation – how hilarious would it be if everyone in the ‘hood showed up with a basket of muffins or a yard sign for the cause célèbre?
3. Finally the bullshit that is the DC cab system will be exposed for all the world to see.
2. It’s not like the parking spots they blocked off were zone spots anyway.
1. What if the token gay is hot?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Response to AntiRealWorldDC
Second, I do live in Dupont Circle and have lived here for many years. I am just a few short blocks from the Real World house, and yes I do have some concerns about disruption.
That said, I don't see all the unnecessary hubbub and trouble-making about this. What's the big deal? We lose a few parking spaces? A little more foot traffic near the house and camera crews at bars a few nights a week? You doomsday bloggers seem to think that the show is basically going to ruin the whole neighborhood -- every restaurant, bar, and quiet street is suddenly going to be inundated with camera crews. It's absurd. I think the disruption will be quite minimal, and it will bring good publicity to the area. I am at least willing to wait and see...
Looking for blog authors/contributors
Not everyone in Dupont Circle is anti-real world