Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not everyone in Dupont Circle is anti-real world

Most people are in favor of it.


  1. Where are you getting that most people are in favour of it? From the looks of that article most people are either already anti-Real world or they are looking to lambast the cast as soon as they land. The majority of people who actually live in this city aren't excited for a bunch of entitled 18-22 year olds to descend on a city of professionals.

  2. I, for one, am so tired of all the entitled whining about The Real World filming here. If they violate any laws or codes, then report them and have it dealt with. If they're not breaking any laws, and just annoy you, get the hell over it.

    My asshole upstairs neighbors annoy the hell out of me, but I don't start a whole campaign about it.

    Enough with the whining already!

  3. "a bunch of entitled 18-22 year olds to descend on a city of professionals"

    LMAO that 6-8 kids are going to somehow overrun NWDC and take over the city.

  4. It only looks like "most" people are against the Real World because of the blogs and newspaper writers looking for controversial comments.

  5. Given that Dupont Circle is a fairly afluent and, depending on which block you're on, fairly quiet, I can see why there is negativity. Its like being back at college when you need to get some sleep for an exam on a weeknight, yet someone decides they're either going to play Limp Bizkit as loud as possible or throw a party at 2AM. Now just imagine you're one of the neighbors who works a 60+ hour week. You don't want to be kept up at night, and you also want to relax when you do finally come home. I'm basing this on what I've seen in previous seasons of The Real World.

    Hopefully the cast will spend most of their partying time at douche-tastic Shadow Room with the Late Night Shots crowd.

  6. Hahaha, no we're not!

  7. Not I. Please avoid the following scenes: Big Hunt, Citron, Front Page, Buffalo Billards, 18th St Lounge, Local 16, Marvins, Amsterdam House... Actually, if the sad cast of MTV's 'Real World' could contain their drama to their own home, that would be lovely. Kisses!
